So my oldest sister is pregnant with her first daughter and obviously my soon to be niece. I am so incredibly stoked for her and to meet the new baby Hadlow. Her best friend and sister-in-law set up a beautiful baby shower in New York City so I decided to contribute and try my hand at cake pops again. They turned out MUCH better than the first time. This time instead of using an entire can of frosting, I only used about 3/4 of a can. I put the melted chocolate in a pastry bag with a thin tip to decorate and they turned out pretty awesome...if I do say so myself.

The baby shower gang. My sister is so can barely tell she is preggers:
On that note, I know I've been MIA for a while but I've been going through some major changes lately. I quit my very stable, well paying job in Washington, D.C. to go back to school for Nursing. I moved up to Altoona, Pa which is quite the change, let me tell you. I don't know anybody in this town and I am surrounded by mountains like I'm trapped in a valley of slightly odd people. The program is 16 months and I will have my Bachelors in Nursing and then it is off to school again for my masters so I can ultimately become a Nurse Practitioner. I'm looking forward to my new niece and there are a lot of exciting changes to come so forgive me if my entries take a vacation for a while, I'll do my best.
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