Friday, May 21, 2010

I Got an Award! Thank You Mommy D.

Can you believe it? My blog got an award. I feel very very flattered. Granted, this is not an award from the Food Network or from Martha Stewart herself but it has come from a fellow blogger and to me, that means that not only are people reading my blog, but they actually like it!  This came from 'Mommy D's Kitchen' (how cute is that).  Her blog has recipes, stories, giveaways and all kinds of other fun stuff to keep you entertained.  Thanks again Mommy D!

I am going to have to pass this award along to How to Eat A Cupcake.  Her enormous list of cupcake recipes is fabulous.  It has drop down box with every kind of cupcake and frosting you could possibly imagine.  I stumbled upon her site a while back and it has inspired me to start baking again and to start a blog.  Thanks!

The award comes with question you need to answer when you pay it forward. Here are the questions with my answers in pink.

1. What is your favorite memory of springtime?  Going to Florida to visit my Grandmother when I was younger for Easter.  We got Easter baskets, fished, played Atari and drank Fresco all day. 

2. If you could change ANYTHING about your life, what would it be?  I guess I would have not been so scatterbrained as far as my career was concerned.  I got involved in a field that I never really enjoyed.  Now here I am, 27 years old and about to go back to school for what I REALLY want to do.  Oh well, I guess better late than never.

3. What is your favorite hobby? It used to be running, but since my knee injury, I haven't been able to do much of that.  I have replaced it with my new favorite hobby: Baking!

4. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side of course.

5. What is your favorite flower? Orchids.

6. If you could have one superpower what would it be? I would zap all the stupid people and all the unethical, evil bastards and turn them into something useful like toilet paper.

7. What is your favorite color combination? I can't even stick with the same favorite color for more than a few months, you want me to pick a combination? UM..currently? Well, its almost summer so I guess, coral, teal and yellow.

8. 467-64=? Oh, can I use a calculator for this? Just kidding. I'll use my fingers. 403.

9. Disney or Looney Toons? UM..Disney! Did Looney Toons have Lizzie McGuire? Nope.

10. What is your favorite “bad for you” snack? Haribo Gummy Bears


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